Domme Thoughts is going to be a podcast. It is becoming increasingly obvious that people are not so into reading more than 140ish characters at a time. This makes me sad. I love to write, and I tend to write a lot. Not so much these days I guess, but it is still something I truly enjoy. That is neither her nor there, the decrease in readership is having me rethink the format of my weekly (in theory) blogging.
So here is the plan starting in July, I did warn you awesome things were coming…
Domme Thoughts is becoming a podcast! I know, I am excited too. I have yet to decide if I will be completely removing the blog here or just have the same content, but in written form.
Those of you who are subscribers to my LoyalFans, have no fear. I will be recording the podcasts and putting them up for my favourite marionettes. I am quite excited for this new format. Mostly it will be in the same style as the blog posts I am currently sharing, some stream of consciousness stuff, some information, some more research based stuff. It is going to be fantastic.
Other fun new things are coming in July, but guess what? You will have to wait to learn more. Yes, I am a tease and I like it that way.
When I have more things set up for my Domme Thoughts Podcast I will share them with you. Right now, I have a site and an RSS Feed but no content has been uploaded. We are waiting for July. This will be a weekly podcast of a shorter format, about 15-20 minutes for starters. Though, we all now how much I love to talk. There will not be any erotic hypnosis releases there. This is more of an exploration of sexual expression, musing and reflections on my own experiences and more.
If you have any content ideas, please feel free to send them my way. I don’t usually have issues coming up with content, but it is always nice to cover topics my audience is interested in.
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