So, I promise I have not disappeared (as I am admittedly prone to doing), I have spent the last few months preparing for a move. Which may sound like not a big deal, but fuck, I hate moving. No need to revisit that chaos in this post as it is very unsexy, but it is complete and now, I have all the things set up and ready to go to make more and more amazing content for you all.
My previous abode, though lovely in terms of size, was not conducive to a creative environment. My neighbours who were also my landlords, were/are miserable cunts who complained at the slightest sound coming from my place. Except sex noise oddly enough, I think it made them uncomfortable… But we are talking the moment my fingers skimmed the keyboard, there was a knock at the door about it. They and we had some issues. The only way to deal, since I love creating content was to leave. So here I am, in my new home, typing away at 5 am with no visits or complaints. It is fucking glorious.
This new found freedom will bring about some new projects and wonderful things for me. I am so excited! I feel like I have been bottling up all my creative tendencies in anticipation for this change. There will be a flurry of things coming your way throughout this month and for many to come.
I did manage to move just in time for my birthday! I don’t really plan on doing much except basking in the glory of my new home, but that doesn’t mean you cannot spoil me 🙂
Ways to Spoil Me for My Birthday:
Want to tell me Happy Birthday on the First? Just log into Loyal Fans and send me a message. Message are extra special when they are videos and you do some sort of performance for me!
That’s it for today, a short, not as sexy as usual message for you but I wanted to update you all on the happenings over here.
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