Do you find that your attention span is shorter than “normal”? Many people with attention span issues are under the erroneous impression that hypnosis, erotic or otherwise will not work for them. Erotic hypnosis does and will work on anyone! Those with attention issues have a multitude of things working in their favour. While the shinny thing in the corner might be distracting, that ability to hyper-focus is an asset when it comes to hypnosis. It’s all about how you use the tool available to you.

That ability to hyper-focus is your greatest gift. It may not seem that way at first. You are easily distracted, however when you manage to train your mind to focus, it will be an incredible asset for you. The challenge is finding the best way to harness it. How do you use your unique mind to create amazing experiences with erotic hypnosis?
Erotic Hypnosis and Attention Issues Best Practice List:
When listening to recordings:
- And this one is really important! Regardless of what is said within a file, if you need to twitch or move around a bit, embrace that. I know it goes against the “be very still” mantra that is often used in hypnosis recordings (mine included). However, allowing yourself the chance to stim might be the best way to focus on the words being said.
- Listen repeatedly. You have access to recordings for as long as you keep them. Why not use them often? Even if the desired effect is not working the first time, repeated exposure will familiarise you with both the voice and the file itself. Try to listen in a dark room, or staring at a spiral, there is a reason these things are cliched.
- Really use your imagination. Those with attention issues have a tendency of being far more imaginative than those with “standard” attention spans. Use the power of your mind to really give in to the scenario. The mind is a very powerful thing. Focusing on details and tiny elements will help you engage more in the experience.
- Know that trance is achievable for you and just enjoy the experience. Don’t spend the whole time angry or annoyed that it is taking so long (common response). Just listen and enjoy.
When doing a one on one:
- Make sure the hypnotist is aware of your attention issue. This will help them adjust the pacing of the session.
- Aim for shorter more intense sessions.
- Combine it with other aspects of your sexual desires. For example, edge throughout the entire session (if you have permission)
- Try to avoid video sessions. The likelihood of distraction is higher. Focus on voice.
- Establish a rapport with the hypnotist beforehand. Be comfortable with who they are. So you are not distracted by mannerisms and tones and cadence.
There are many ways to make the most out of your hypnosis experience. Erotic hypnosis and attention issues do not have to clash. Shorter attention spans do have many up sides, including a more vivid imagination.
What tricks do you have?
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