Erotic Hypnotic Layering

Erotic Hypnotic Layering

There is more than just the conscious and the unconscious. Erotic hypnotic layering involves  going in deeper and changing every layer to create what amounts to a new reality. The varying levels of depth contribute to how ingrained the thoughts become. My power can reach into the deepest reaches of your subconscious mind, beyond the unconscious. Every level, taking you deeper and deeper to such an extent that the thoughts wondering around in your mind have no clue as to their origin.

Did that thought come from Me? From My power? Or was it something hidden so deeply that you needed My influence to bring it out of you? Ultimately, how it gets there is not important. The origin is insignificant unless it is a thought that does not suit Me. In that case, its origin is very important. It is important so I know where to plant My seeds of change.

Obviously, the seeds planting through My erotic hypnotic layering are those we have discussed beforehand. I do not believe that a hypnoslave should be completely without a say in the evolution of their thought process. I use My powers for good not evil. Unless you contact Me in a different capacity. Where there is light, there is always a shadow. The trust involved in the hypnotic relationship is crucial. I am a trustworthy Woman, a powerful Woman that can easily alter your reality.

It can be frightening and it should be. you are opening your layers to Me. Opening up the parts that make up the individual. But as frightening and scary as the thought may be when trust has been established there is no need for any qualms. When you are in the hands of a talented and powerful Woman, one who completely understands your vulnerability there is no cause for concern. No need to worry that lovely mind of yours. When it becomes Mine, that mind will be clearer, and closer to perfection.

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

Pushing Too Hard


It happens, even to the most experienced of us. Sometimes we end up pushing to hard. We push our subs and slaves into situations they may not be ready for. The important part is communication between the two of you.

So here is how it happened… my puppy, whom I see less frequently than I would like but often enough that I consider him a rather permanent part of my life. There are moments, these fleeting romantic notions that actually make me ill most of the time, where I think about my puppy in the sense of finally finding someone with whom I click well. Someone who will always be my puppy and I will forever be his owner. My error in judgement happened when I mentioned this to him. When I express an interest in taking what we currently have and taking it to another level. To me, it seemed the natural progression of our relationship. To him, this was a terrifying notion! Not terrifying in that leaving with me would be awful. I know that should the two of us decide that cohabitation is the best step, we would both be very happy with the results. Deep down he knows that. He fears stems from a history of failed relationships and concerns about living with another individual, any individual again.

As his Domme, I should have foreseen his reaction to my thoughts. I should have known that my words were bound to trigger some deep, hidden trauma. I was not thinking when I voiced my thoughts. I took a leap without thoughts concerning potential consequences. The problem is, I know I am right. I know that step in our relationship will be satisfying, amazing and challenging. I am not thinking it will all be rainbows and fucking lollipops. I knew it would be a challenge for us. That the potential hiccups would be significant. I was not anticipating his full on retreat from me.

His response actually frightened me. He went completely stoic. Since we live rather far apart and our communications limited to phone and text, I was not sure at first what was happening. Simple excuses like being busy or tired seemed to make perfect sense. I could sense him retreating but I had no idea to what extent.

He was recently removed from his everyday life, a vacation of sorts which caused him to pour out with such extreme honesty, the whole experience was eye opening for me and incredibly touching. The intensity of our relationship was not what terrified him. It was the idea of living together. His stoicism scared the shit out of me. We all have our trauma, mine stems from being lied to or lies of omission. Omission is probably the worst possible scenario for me. So as you can imagine, the beginning of our conversation involve quite a lot of hurt feelings. And the temptation to shed a tear was ever present, for those of you who know me well, you understand how truly rare this type of emotional reaction is from me.

I have never before felt the physical distance between us to that extent. Usually, it feels like we are right beside each other, talking or playing on my bed even if he is not physically there. The raw emotions that were finally coming into light between was both liberating and devastating. I was devastated that he did not feel he could share these feeling with me until that moment. Devastated that our closeness, was merely my perceived closeness. I do not think his intentions were to hurt me through his omissions. I think he felt that he HAD to obey me. I was crushed that he did not feel entitled to a space where he could share his feeling. Ashamed at my own behaviour, the part of me that prevented properly creating that safe space. When all our thoughts and struggles were brought to the forefront, I wanted nothing more than to hold my puppy, to feel the comfort I get from merely running my fingers across his skin and watching his knees buckle. He needed that closeness too, I could feel it. Some sort of reassurance that yes, you can share your thoughts and no, I will not throw you away.

All this rambling to say, it is not just the submissive that get emotionally attached, and communication really is key.

Ambre Jade

New Youtube Hypnosis Introduction

It was finally time for Me to release a youtube hypnosis introduction. I have to be honest, I was a little nervous putting it out there but everyone has been so supportive and the feedback has been great! I mean, of course, it has! It is Me and even the slightest hypnotic suggestion from My lips causes you to melt.

Enjoy the video and it would please Me very much if you could go to the original content on YOUTUBE and give it a thumbs up and comment!

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

Difference Between Sacrifice and Tribute

Tribute and Sacrifice
Kneel in devotion! Tribute and Sacrifice

Not everyone makes a distinction between sacrifice and tribute. There is nothing wrong with that but to Me there are some important key differences. Both are signs of devotion to Me. Both make Me very happy with your performance as a submissive. Both can be component of Financial Domination but not necessarily.

What is a Tribute?

A tribute is a bonus, if you will. An added dimension to prove that you are worth your place in the Doctrine of Ambre Jade. To show that you appreciate the time and the effort I put in to the Doctrine, creating a stimulating and ideal place of worship. Tributes are made out of compulsion, that need to make Me happy and pleased with you as an individual slave.

What is a Sacrifice?

When I discuss daily sacrifice, it is the exchange of an everyday luxury for Me. Instead of purchasing some over priced, super sweet bullshit coffee concoction, you take that money and send it to Me. Sacrifice is the great equalizer. Where not everyone is in a position to tribute 500$ a week, everyone can find something they can go without so that they can contribute to Me! It allows Me to see a clear representation of how devoted one truly is. For some a 500$ tribute means nothing to them financially, it never affects their bottom line. For others, the idea of tributing such an amount would cause them financial ruin. Sacrifice allows them to prove they are willing to suffer for My pleasure. It is a greater sign of devotion in many cases.

What about Gifting?

I view gifting as an extension of a tribute. In some cases the more personal the gift the better, it proves that My devoted slave understand the individual (Me) and not just the experience of worship. Don’t get Me wrong, a gift from anyone in any capacity is lovely.

What about FinDomme?

Sacrifice and tribute are both components of financial domination. When I am controlling your wallet you are expected to make sacrifices and tributes as well as gifts. But I also believe that FinDomme should be approached as a contract. That you debt to Me should have a clear amount, a clear beginning and a clear end. The fun lays in between. View My FinDomme Contract.

Kneel for your Déesse

Maîtresse Ambre Jade

“Do what You Want With me” is Not submissive Request

submissive behaviour

Why is requesting that I “do what I Want with you” not conducive to creating a proper Dominant/ submissive relationship? It seems to make sense, right? I am the Domme, you are the submissive. your body and mind belong to Me. Except they don’t! Not yet. The boundaries of our relationship have not yet been established. I do not know yet if I enjoy your whimper or your pain, your begging or release. These are key components to My enjoying our relationship. I have to know more about you before I know what I want to do with you!

So what is the proper way of approaching a Maîtresse for the first time? you are submissive. you feel your own desires are minimal compared to those of your chosen Mistress. There has to be a way to create a first encounter where you are both powerless and allowing the Maîtresse to do what She wants. There is a simple answer. you tell Her what you enjoy or what you fantasize about. This is not topping from the bottom or anything so simple. Knowing the likes and dislikes of a submissive is important. Voicing your likes to your Mistress prior to the beginning of a session is the only way to ensure that She knows what you are looking for.

It creates a solid foundation. Regardless of how long you and I decide to pursue the D/s relationship. you have to build from somewhere. Yes, of course, there are one offs and sometimes it is more about cumming than it is about worship. But this is about the D/s relationship. This is about creating a potentially long lasting, fulfilling relationship for all parties involved.

Here is the best part. Once you have established your relationship, past the first few encounters and created the proper ebb and flow of a D/s relationship, you can say “Do what You want with me” and you will both have a fantastic experience. The trust has to be present first, you put yourself in My hands completely. This is important! you have to trust Me so completely that by merely asking a tiny task of you, throws you into a submissive frenzy!

Maîtresse Ambre Jade

Time to Explore FemDomme with Ambre Jade


The time has come for Me to create a site and blog entirely devoted to FemDomme and My more harsh side. While being a HypnoGoddess is a wonderful and tremendously satisfying, I can only devote so much time to creating personalised session over the phone. This limits the amount of time I can spend with each slave. By branching out and creating Niteflirt listings as well as other ways for you to prove your devotion to Me, I will be available for a variety of other types of sessions.

This is all about Me, My wants, My needs and you trying as hard as you can to satisfy them. I have rather eclectic tastes when it comes to My slaves and what I enjoy doing with them. I want this to be mutually satisfying but with My Own satisfaction being at the forefront. I have no intention to listen to someone try and top from the bottom or orchestrate some intricate fantasy of theirs. you are welcome to share your fantasy with Me but should it not be something I enjoy, I will not partake.

Being My slaves involves many things that I plan on outlining here. For starters, protocols. I adore protocols and as I add them, you are expected to follow them, to the letter, without question. I will briefly outline a few and others will pop up and you will be informed as I see fit.

When you approach Me, you will refer to Me as Ambre Jade until such time as we establish a relationship. For example, once we have done a session or have communicate for more than a single email or message. At which point you will refer to Me as “Maîtresses.” Goddess is also an acceptable title as is Master or Mistress but I prefer Maîtresse.

you will upon first talking with Me be frank and clear about your limitations, be they physical or psychological. If you have a blown out knee and I ask you to knee for forty five minutes you will not be happy and I will be unhappy because that action will limit our dealings in the future. So Be Clear, when asked.

you will speak only when spoken to.

Financial sacrifices and tributes are required! I love what I do but no sacrifice is the same without the exchange of money. This is both My work and My pleasure. I deserve to be financially compensated.

I plan on explore that delicious edge of pain and pleasure with many and you will be lucky if I accept you.

Maîtresse Ambre Jade

When Self Confidence Falters

It is very rare that I have self confidence issues. I genuinely believe the hype about myself. I enjoy feeling superior and the similar sensations that sweep through an individual when they identify as Domme. There are moments though where my self confidence falters, moments where believing my hype is not quite enough. It is rare but such moments do occur. Every time it happens to me, the feelings are so alien, I have no clue how to deal with them.

My most recent difficulty lays in my body. I am a big woman. Happily so, I work out, I eat well and mostly organic. I live a fairly active lifestyle. I take care of my body. So being bigger than some is not really an issue for me. The issue came to me in the form of a picture. More specifically, a picture of my breasts and chest while I am wearing a bra.

2014-06-18 09.12.11

The issue I have with it, the problem is the scar that runs from just below my collar bone past my xiphoid process, well what is left of my xiphoid process. I suppose it is not that apparent but to me, when I look at it all I see is this:


Sorry if that was a little too graphic.

So how does one remove themselves from the scars? From the sensation of feeling butchered and broken? I decided to post the first image anyway. To fight through my immediate impulse to delete the image. But I found myself nervous, scared, worried that the physical imperfection that seems so clearly evident to me would be poorly received. Remember these sorts of feelings are rather foreign to me. So what happened? I receive a message from one of my good girls telling me “I love that picture, and I love your scar.” Well, if another person can love it, should I then not embrace it? Should I continue to cover it up, returning over and over again to the cyclical sensations of trauma? Or do I admit it. I am not physically perfect.

She also states, “It is another beautiful part of you, your story and your strength!” It is beautiful, isn’t it? It is proof of my own survival. It is sexy in a way that makes me unique. Lesson learned! Imperfections on the surface do not make you less Dominant. They make you unique, an individual with a story, with tales of survival and triumph. No one really wants a cookie cutter Domme. They want a being who has something to share, experiences they learn and have adapted to. That is what makes perfection!

Task For This Friday the Thirteenth

Moon Influence

With the full moon tonight, I am in a generous mood. I have create a tiny task for those slaves who would like to solidify the hold their Goddess has on them. I have avoided using My Own name within this task allowing for those who serve others to also partake (with permission from their Domme of course).

Feel the sensation of your Goddess right beside you. When the moon is high in the sky, feel Her powerful influence surrounding you.

I am offering this as a FREE task. Donations and tributes for My effort are, as always welcome and encouraged.

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

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Guide to Keyholding

cage 7 de 7

I have an extreme passion for chastity. I love every aspect of keeping my submissives chaste. Being a Keyholder is more than just holding a key in your hands. There are time when it can be a challenge, even a chore but the end result is always fantastic.

What is a Keyholder?

A Keyholder is generally a Domme, Mistress or Master who holds the physical representation of your chastity (the key) on them. The power over the submissive’s orgasm or lack there of, is completely hers. She determines for herself whether or not he cums. For some Dommes, the penis now belongs to her. Access is restricted to her desires and her desires alone. That is not to say holding the key is sufficient enough. There are certain requirements for both the sub and the Domme.


There are certain time requirements for the Keyholder and the chaste individual. I once calculated the amount of time each key I hold represents. It is a significant chunk of my week. Chastity is an active process for me. I like being very involved with my caged toys. As a Keyholder you have to be ready to devote the time and the effort. The longer someone is caged, the needier they become. Some of us thrive on being needy but you have to be prepared for the time that represents (within reason). As someone who is caged, you will find yourself devoting a lot of time to your new status as chaste and a desire to be in your Keyholder’s presence.

Play and Chastity Games

Play and tease are important. Without them, time spent locked can be boring. Boredom does not a good slave make. And let’s be honest, it can be boring for the Keyholder as well. I always find it thrilling when someone is locked for me but I find the experience lacking without some good ole tease and denial. Bringing my slave to the brink of release and then shutting them down. There are limitless possibilities for games and play time. Find the right balance for you and your slave. Experiment, if they are locked long enough, they will love just about anything 😉

Physical Check Ins

It is important, and can even be used as a game, to do regular physical check ins. There are some cages might fit poorly or need to be adjusted over time. I love physical inspections, it can add a little spice and play to the experience. Cleaning, air time, making sure there are no marks or chaffing. This is part of you duties as a Keyholder, they are locked for you, you should watch for signs of things not working well.

Emotional Check Ins

Watching for signs is more than just physical sign of trauma or damage. You have to do some emotional checking. This is especially true with long term chastity. There can be some extreme emotional reactions that come up, sometimes with little warning. These should be dealt with, discussed and addressed. The caged slave is responsible for keeping their Keyholder informed. The Keyholder is responsible for creating a safe space where the slave may bring these feelings up. For me, I prefer scheduling check ins. It gives a window where a slave can stop being a slave for a short time and express themselves without prejudice. This is extremely important for those who are new to being submissive or new to chastity. The routine creates a safe place.

Obviously this list is not complete and there are many places where one can add their own twists. Remember that communication is key, and that Keyholding is more than just the physical manipulation of their key.

Additional Reading

Two blogs I have been thoroughly enjoying:

Denying Tumper

Monkey in a Cage


Chastity Forum

Viewing Your Domme as a Leader

Domme as a Leader

While writing down the qualities I want to have as a Domme, I noticed that many of them emulated those of a great leader. A leader, to me, is not necessarily someone in a position of power but rather someone who inspires the devotion of those around them. We do not follow great leaders because we have no choice. We follow them because they make us better. They make us want to be better. They inspire us.

Should we see Dommes as leaders? Not every Domme is a leader and not every leader is dominant but would it not be advantageous as a submissive to be inspired by your Domme? This is something I aspire to. I want to inspire greatness from my submissives. What other characteristics would be great for a Domme to have?

Knowledge of Limitations

I am not just referring to the physical limits of an individual but in a broader sense. I need to be fully aware of my own limits. The knowledge of what I can and can not do is invaluable. Knowledge is also power. The power to know when the perceived limits can be and should be pushed.


Not only the ability to control a submissive but having self control is EXTREMELY important. When someone gives you power over their body, you need to be in complete control. You must have control over your emotions. Never lay a hand in anger. Be aware of what you as an individual are feeling and check it in at the door.


It goes without saying that a Domme should be confident. Be confident in your abilities and in the abilities of your sub. This ties in with your knowledge of limitations, if you are not sure, not confident, do not do it. Demand (control) that your sub and you interact in a different manner.


This is one of the characteristics I find the hardest. As a professional Domme it is difficult to be honest all of the time. There is still a business component to the relationship which can be difficult. I try to make it a point, to always be honest. Do not mistake honesty for full disclosure. No one really needs to know everything about you, unless you are in a defined partnership and even then it depends on the relationship.

Good Communicator

This is essential! Why would anyone follow someone who can not string two words together? Clear, concise commands are the most effective. Another component of communication is the ability to listen. Be willing to hear out the thoughts of your submissive. Yes, they are, in this context, inferior but that does not mean they are free of thought and feeling. Learn to read body language and listen for words that may not mean what you think they mean.


As a Domme, you want those around you to respect you. This is not something that can be commanded or forced. But when you are comparing yourself to a leader, respect means something else. It means you respect those around you. I understand that not everyone will agree with me here, but I feel that a Domme should respect her subjects. They should be respected! They are giving you power over them, be it their minds or their bodies, for 5 minutes or 5 years, they are giving the power to you. You should respect their decision. They decided you were the most suitable Domme, they respect you that much.

Obviously there are other qualities of a leader, that a Domme should try and emulate. They should be devoted to you. You should lead them.

What qualities do you find most appealing? What does she/he do that you feel makes them the best leader for you?