Healthy Living Tuesdays

It was recently asked “Why do you post about health, food, exercise… aren’t you a Dominatrix?” I suppose this is a fair question. The topics are write about tend to be incredibly varied and since amalgamating all my sites into one, my vast range of topics is clearly identifiable. So why do I write about healthy living? What does that have to do with D/s relationships?

Healthy Living Tuesdays with Ambre JadeWell, for some people nothing. For some, the two are not connected. My musings on well being look simply out of place when you contrast them with posts about Femdom and Fetishism. Posts about eating more broccoli are not likely bring me more clients. But posts about eating more broccoli, reminds people that eating more broccoli is important to me. Which means, if they truly want to serve or please me, eating more broccoli will become important to them!

In serving me, you are a reflection of my desires. You should strive to represent me, my passions, my lifestyle to the best of your abilities. This is important to remember. If someone is serving me, then I want them to showcase, to embrace a lifestyle that not only has me at its core but my work ethic, my morals… you get the idea.

Health and well-being are important aspects of my life. I have struggled with illness, surgery, weight gain, a loss of control over my health and over the past four years, I am taking control again. I am pushing myself to better my quality of life. You shoudl do the same. Not only because you would benefit from it, but also because I want you to.

I want my slaves, subs, subjects to want to embrace a similar lifestyle. To endeavour to better themselves both physically and mentally. To embrace Femdom and through it gain confidence, self esteem and all those wonderful empowering things.

Healthy living makes for healthy slaving… So yes, I will always post healthy living articles and no they will not likely be wank fodder, you can handle it 😉

Ambre Jade


A Night at the Baths

I spend a fair amount of time talking, researching, writing about sex, sexuality and D-s relationships. My hands on experiences have been rather limited lately. My time has been divided between mental health sessions, parenting, my lover, writing, etc. As you can easily see, I am a busy woman. Anyway, so not much hands on time lately. While I not really feel I am missing much at the moment, it is still good to explore. So this weekend, a girlfriend took me out to one of the local baths.

While this is not something I have done in the past, and I am usually not very good with new experiences, this was great. While I am not a proponent of the swinging lifestyle, I have no qualms with those that are, and support their expression of sexuality and their experience. I am very glad that I went. While I did not engage in anything sexual, my choice, it was quite pleasant to see people free to express their sexual selves in a somewhat public manner.

Also, I just love being naked. As a Domme, I am rarely nude. I don’t feel that nudity is part of my identity as a Domme. I much prefer CFNM but the rest of my identity is definitely a nudist. It have to say it was quite nice sitting in the hot tub completely naked, everyone around us doing the same. While I don’t necessarily see nudity as sexual (more on that in a future post), the sexual undertones of the environment were hard to ignore. Porn was playing on TV screens, which I happily could have gone without but that’s the nature of the thing…

It was really nice to enjoy the environment we were in. While it would have been nice to have a slave or two with us during that adventure, that would have meant I would not have enjoyed the sensations of water on my naked skin. More on my adventures at the baths coming up.

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

Fear and Hypnosis, Working Together

Fear and hypnosis might not seem like good friends. BUT with the right guide (HypnoDomme), they can compliment each other quite well. Firstly let’s make the distinction between genuine fear and being a whining “i’m so scared Goddess” bitch. I often receive emails, messages and the like from people claiming to want to serve, but fearing the consequences. It is difficult from the point of view of the reader to determine who is trying to waste My previous time and who is genuinely afraid. Difficult but not impossible. I have a pretty good feel for who is playing games and who is actually feeling fearful but wants to pursue such a serious endearvour. A discussion for later. Right now, I would just like for you to see the difference between actual fear and playing games.

Fear and Hypnosis with Ambre JadeSo those of you who are afraid, congratulations! you realised the implications of true submission. you know that this is more than a fetish. That this way of being is a lifestyle and one that you would like to adopt to your own life. Feeling fear does not make you weak. It makes you conscious of the changes that will potential happen when you give up your free will! I always delight when people tell Me they have been afraid to contact Me, been following Me from afar, too afraid to do more than that. But now they are ready to embrace this lifestyle.

Fear and Hypnosis, are they compatible?

The fear response varies from one person to the next. Generally they fall under the three automatic nervous system reactions: fight, flight or freeze. These responses, human and animal responses to fear affect the mind in such a powerful way. It is reflexive, instinctive. There are few ways around it. Time is a factor if you want to work around your responses. That can be challenging, expensive but certainly worth every moment and penny you spend on yourself in that way. But how does one work with fear and hypnosis without overreaching the limitations of wallet and time? Ultimately, there is no answer. No easy way around it. There is however a way to work with your responses. To satisfy both your autonomic nervous system and your desire to submit.

The body’s response to fear floods your body with hormones. What a wonderful addition to erotic hypnosis. In this way, your fear is helping Me. It is aiding Me in creating the perfect environment to manipulate your thoughts. The key is understanding how and why you react the way you do, and using that to My advantage. This is to say you and I work together, we work with those responses making them both erotic and exciting.

So feel the fear with Me. Feel it and share it with Me.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

In Person or Online Domination


I am constantly hearing online subs complain that they cannot live the lifestyle to the full extent they want to because they are “only online subs”. What a bullshit statement!!! I get that life can get in the way, I really do, trust me! I have a family, I have responsibilities, I have all the same day to day crap that needs doing. But I digress. There are advantages to both, and disadvantages. In my mind, both are equal in a submissive’s ability to devote the amount of time to their lifestyle. I am tired of hearing people talk about online Domination like it is not real. Like it is fantasy, like everyone is play acting. It isn’t. The people who partake in it actively, those of us who have chosen to live a kinkier, if you will, lifestyle create the environment we decide to live in.

Online domination, to me, is more real, more honest than any in person profession session (though, it the interest of being honest, my in person pro sessions are limited and small) I have had. There is a genuine quality to the time I spend with my online slaves. When I see people in person, it seems to become somewhat of a show, on both our parts. And yes, that is what it is. A show. It is a service. When I do sessions online, it is still a service, but the show aspect is minimal. Neither party acting or concerned with much else other than being worshiped and worshiping. It is delightfully refreshing.

The online sessions always seem more real, if you will. Yes, my experience with pro sessions in person is minimal so please do not take this to mean I am saying all in person sessions are shows, they aren’t. I am specifically talking about my experience. The real quality stems from the slave merely enjoying contact with me, spending time with me. They pay for the privilege but there is a sense of belonging that is more intense than I have ever felt with an in-person domination session, as a pro. I make the distinction because there is an deep quality to the relationships I have that are not professional. But even those there is a very active online component. There are few things I enjoy more than receiving a message from my puppy saying “Goddess i woke up this morning needing You so badly it hurt.” I mean, who wouldn’t want to read that?

So all this written diarrhea to say, do not mistake an online domination relationship to be less than an in person one. Do both you and your Superior a favour and acknowledge that though you may not see each other flesh to flesh, the relationship is solid and real. It is also likely to be more real than if you were in fact meeting in person.

Ambre Jade

To those proDommes and proDomme enthusiasts who may take offense to my opinions, I am merely speaking from personal experience. Your Domme is not my Domme, your relationship is not my relationship so it is very likely to be different for you.