This is Day One, in My 30 days of kink; Dom, sub or switch?
Day 1: Dom, sub, switch? What parts of BDSM interest you? Give us an interesting in-depth definition of what that means to you. Basically define your kinky self for us.
I am most definitely a Domme (Dom, in the format of the question)! I have briefly and recently discussed My past experiences as a Switch on the FORUM so I will not get into that here. I believe what made Me actually feel like a switch or a sub in My past was that for a short time I could easily identify as a masochist. It could have been more a stage of exploration and discovery but I did self identify as such. These masochistic tendencies are what brought Me to the world of BDSM.
Though, I no longer identify as submissive, switch or masochist, I am grateful for the experiences and the sensation I felt while enjoy those scenes. Without them, I would not have been able to find My true calling as a Domme. I know there are many people who will read this and think that having subbed in the past makes Me less Dominant but you can kiss My ass. I owe you no explanation. I believe in honesty above all things and therefore My disclosure of past experiences.
I believe My time spent subbing and switching as well as My time experiencing torturous scene has created an incredibly well grounded, well educated, well rounded Domme.
Definitions are always difficult for Me. Especially when it comes to aspects of sexuality. Since sensuality, sexuality and kink are so fluid and the relationship within them so different from individual to individual it is difficult to create and apt definition.
I believe what makes a Domme, the main characteristic She has that let’s you know She is the one for you, is the ability to create an environment where the submissive can flourish. A relationship where the sub, slave, whatever descriptor you want to use, can blossom into something more than they were before their service. This applies to just about any D/s relationship. The qualities of a Domme and the qualities of a submissive is sooo dependent on the style of relationship they have.
My Dominance stems from a love of control, a need even. I micromanage, I am obsessive about things being done MY way. And though in some relationships that would be considered a negative, the style of relationships I have makes this quality a big plus 😉 It is one of the biggest attraction to BDSM that I have. I have discovered that I am slightly sadistic. What started as a curiosity and exploration as a maso was, retrospectively, a cry for knowledge about pain and an inability to morally get over Myself. This is a discussion that deserves its own post so I will get to that eventually 🙂
Being Dominant, is having power and using that power to mould your sub into your desire while simultaneously allowing them the oportunity to grow and bloom in Your service. This is what I hold Myself to and part of why I am so particular about who I am willing to take on as a permanent slave, PT or FT!
What are your definitions? How do you see yourself? Are you a Dom, sub or switch? Join this journey of 30 days of kink with Me and many others!
À bientôt,
Maîtresse Ambre Jade
1 (888) 726-2447
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