Everything feels completely out of alignment without Me, doesn’t it? Hypnotic alignment returns now that My move is finally completed and My life is returning to what can be considered normalcy. Slowly but surely getting more established in My new home. My call schedule will return to normal. Taking more and more calls especially now that there are minimal distractions within My environment. Hypnotic alignment comes back! It will align so many different aspects of your and My life, bringing those that worship Me and that that desire to serve Me closer together. More in sync, if you will.
How else will I control this hypnotic alignment? What delightful experiences do I have in store for you? So many! Where to start? There are numerous delicious morsels I will be creating for those who serve Me, those wishing to serve Me and those interesting in trying to establish a connection with a true, BBW Goddess! For starters, I will be releasing numerous new mp3 files. New recordings mean new deeper connections and pathways in your mind bringing you closer to Me. Now that is hypnotic alignment! I will be releasing a new hypnotic file every week. Something new and absolutely delightful for you to let go and submit yourself completely to Me, My power, My influence.
Part of this new hypnotic alignment establishment, will be the continuation and creation of new Daily Hypnotic Affirmations. There are currently 4 but that number will rise in the coming month. This are wonderful files, short, loop-able audios solidifying My influence over you. For those of you who have not purchased them yet, or are debating whether or not to purchase, you really should! These files are not only erotic and spellbindingly delightful but they will increase our hypnotic alignment. They have the potential to make you more in tune with Me, with My needs, My desires. They are an essential part of your servitude. A daily ritual and treasure for you to enjoy and embrace.
I will also be creating daily FemDomme audios, images and videos! These will not necessarily be all erotic hypnosis related but they will all be about worshiping Me as your true Goddess! you will find that these files, products will increase your hypnotic alignment with Me and establish a deeper more meaningful connection. A word of caution though, while My erotic hypnosis style tends to run in the more sensual and erotic. My FemDomme products, some of them could be what some consider harsh, they are very intense. If you are uncertain about their relevance to your submission or your style of devotion, communicate with Me and I will guide you on the right path!
As some of you are no doubt aware, I have yet another website that I am working on. Let Her Free! This website is not so much about hypnotic alignment as it is with letting out your inner femme side. This site should be up and running before the beginning of next year. It is not a main project at the moment, as I have several things on the go already but I wanted to share with you that it will soon be open to view. This site is for those who are into feminization as a representation of their inner self. Be advised, those looking for feminization as a technique to illicit a humiliating response will be disappointed. There is nothing humiliating about being a Woman! you should aspire not be ashamed! End rant (I can say so much more on that subject but this is neither the time or the place)!
Part of your hypnotic alignment to Me, to your submission to Me is to embrace a health lifestyle. I have written about this in the past and have no desire at the moment to repeat Myself too much. Suffice it to say that I will be blogging about My Own health goals and healthy lifestyle on My Healthy Living blog.聽In addition to My monthly goal, I will also be discussing a food regime for those interested, meal planning, and the like. My weekly fruit and vegetable basket arrive on Tuesdays, so every Tuesday there will be some discussion about the delicious foods that are in My home!
Time to establish your hypnotic alignment with Me!
脌 bient么t,
Goddess Ambre Jade
888 726-2447