Establishing Hypnotic Intention

How do you go about establishing hypnotic intention? Is it actually an important part of a dynamic? What should you consider intentionally as a subject vs as a tist? Is it important that the intentions match?

Establishing hypnotic intention is so important with Ms AmbreJade

Before approaching any hypnosis session you should focus on establishing hypnotic intention. This could be a goal, a sensation, a corruption (yummy), anything. This is not just for the D-type or the Hypnotist. It is important for both (or all) people involved to create an intention for the experience. Hypnosis is all about intent. There is someone I know how would argue that intention is all you need to send someone into trance. But it is more than that, more than words and experiences. It is about what you want and need from the experience.

Which person is responsible for establishing hypnotic intention?

Is it the Dominant or the submissive that figures it out? Like any dynamic, erotic hypnosis based or not, the experience is shared, the responsibility is shared. What do you want out of the experience? Do you want to feel stronger, weaker? Do you want to share moments of vulnerability? Are you establishing a hypnotic intention focused on silliness and fun?

Neither side can make the decision without the other. Do you intend to have some silliness? Share that with your partner because if they are seeking the experience as something akin to behaviour modification. This plays into negotiations. But it goes beyond that, there is the intention as an experience together and there is an intention for you.

Establishing hypnotic intention for yourself?

This is something for you outside of the dynamic. Maybe your intention is to work on your agency. Perhaps it is to work on a new induction. Maybe your intention is to be so in tune with your partner that the division between you is almost none existent. There are so many different ways to look at it.

The main point, imo, is to make sure you actually think about the experience and what you want from it.


Ms AmbreJade

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Heavy Door

This file focuses on the creation of a safety mechanism inside your mind, so that deep conditioning, mind play, trances, and changes remain possible while focusing on consent and the ability to relinquish yourself from my influence.

Length: 14 minutes

Layering: No

Background: No Music

Headphones: Suggested but not necessary

Post-Hypnotic Suggestion or Programming: Yes

Format: MP3

Cost: 5.00$ (LoyalFans) / 7.50$ (Niteflirt)

What are your Erotic Hypnotic Goals?

I have written about erotic hypnotic goals in the past. I think back in 2014? OMG Am I that old now, Jebus…. Anyway, I wanted to revisit the concept. I am and always have been an incredibly goal oriented woman. Every action I take to have a purpose, blatant or not. I don’t need you to know what it is, just know there is always a reason for everything I do.

That being said who establishes these erotic hypnotic goals? Is it you or is it me? A fair question. The answer is both. I like to have discussions with my subjects prior to any erotic hypnosis interactions. The first session tend to be more focused on me and you getting to know each other. How responsive you are? What language you respond to? What ideas or prompts work best for you? Essentially, a first session is like a first date, but more expensive for you.

Erotic Hypnotic Goals with Ms AmbreJade

Goals and Ownership

I do not have cookie cutter goals for all my subjects. I cannot and do not want to own every one who would like to have a session with me. There are only so many hours to my day, and I am a busy ass woman. That is not to say we cannot work towards goals together. It means that the erotic hypnotic goals we create will be based on moments and time spent together, rather than daily interactions and ownership. Is that the case with everyone? No. I would just like to make it clear that I take ownership, Domming, insert appropriate term very seriously and I cannot have everyone living in a 24h power exchange dynamic with me. I know my limits. The results would be some shitty cookie cutter D/s dynamic where neither of us grow.

Can we play together without ownership? Yes! Can we create and work towards erotic hypnotic goals together? Hell, yes! And in those moments we spend together, there are moments and times where you will feel as though you belong to me.

Creating Erotic Hypnotic Goals Steps:

  1. I have a series of questions I like all new subjects to answer prior to any session. You can use these question for a few purposes. You can see what you want and do not want. And knowledge is power for the hypnotist. I can into this in more detail another time.
  2. Figure out what it is that appeals to you about hypnosis. Is it the letting go? Is it orgasming? Is it submitting to the hypnotist? What is it that makes hypnosis the best tool for the task at hand?
  3. What sort of behaviours do you want to modify? I love conditioning and brain washing and all those delicious morsels of programming. What would you as the subject want to change?

The steps to creating that potential change, should are really up to the hypnotist. Together you should both create a plan and put together your erotic hypnotic goals.

What are some goals you would like to set?

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