I was recently sent a message with the following
whore, let’s see you ignore that
Something along those lines. By recently, I mean like an hour ago or so. And I was just going to ignore it but I thought what a great catalyst for today’s Domme Thought! I have no idea who this person is, obviously they felt they deserved my attention for whatever male entitlement shit they have going on. I think I ignored their friend request on Facebook or something. There is a reason I do not have 5 million friends, I don’t add really. But I digress.
So though giving this statement some attention is obviously what he wanted, and I would normally just leave it as is, I needed something to write about today.
Ways to get yourself blocked from interacting with me:
- Using whore like it is a bad thing, I actually know several people who have sex for money and I do consider myself a sex worker so it is neither an insult or a crushing blow to my ego.
- Sending a pic of your cock, we could all do with less dick pics in our lives
- Thinking you are entitled to my attention or affection. You get neither unless I let you.
- Asking me “Can you really hypnotise me?” This is almost always followed by a “prove it” which people are expecting for free. I know I can do it, you know I can do it. Otherwise you would not be looking for free attention.
- Missing appointments… obvious
- Trying to hypnotise me, I cannot even count how many male hypnotists try this… it is kind of silly, but have fun guys!
- Being impatient…
- Sighing in conversations when it takes me longer than 30 secs to reply when you are not paying for the interaction.
SO the lesson here, I don’t get mad, or upset at you for being poorly behaved, you get blocked.
À bientôt,
Ambre Jade