Focused Intention

Erotic hypnosis has a massive variety of manifestations. Stream of consciousness, guided imagery and ASMR to name a few. (A quick shout out to My wonderful Friend Haylee, who has created some wonderful ASMR youtube videos, check out Her most recent one Hypnosis is Fake). An aspect of erotic hypnosis that I have not touched on as much as others is focused intention. This style like all components of erotic hypnosis, manifests in many ways. Each person uses this technique differently. I love this technique. I love the mental exercise involved and how one can either make a session devoted entirely to focused intention or it can be used within a session to deepen and strengthen eroticism and worship (just to name a few).

My current karate training is actually what brought about My thoughts revolving around focused intention. It is something that comes up frequently and I thought to Myself “Why not create something, record something that uses this thought process only?” So I did. Mental exercises can deepen just about any experience, why not use it to deepen your need for Me? Why not create an environment where I stimulate your mind, where I focus your mind more completely to Me.

Aren’t I nice creating this for you? Focused intention is all about exercising your mind.

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Things that are likely to happen during focused intention:

  • Getting Bored. This is why it is a mental exercise. Repetition and boredom can sometime go hand in hand but for it to be a problem exercise on your mental abilities, you have to get bored, you have to build. Growth happens when you think you cannot do anymore.
  • Stream of Consciousness. Thoughts can run through your mind while you are practicing focused intention. This is both normal and should not be the focus of your experience. This is different. The practice of pushing your own thoughts from your mind is the goal. Let the thought come to you but also let them leave and decide to focus on My voice instead.
  • Body Twitching. It is possible that during this experience you will notice your body twitches in ways you would not expect. I am not meaning that cock alone, extremities can twitch and even flail. Pay no mind to it. Just make sure there is nothing near you before starting that can be knocked over.
  • Body Temperature Changes. Some people experience a cooling down while others get the sweats. There is no way of knowing how you will respond until you experience it. Register this change but again pay it no mind. Remember for your next experience and take appropriate measures, ex get a blanket, or take more clothing off before starting.
  • Other Responses. There are other mental and physical responses you can have. The exercise aspect means, you let it happen but you do not panic or focus on it.

Enjoy your focused intention experience.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade


888 726-2447

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Multiple Orgasms through Hypnosis

Multiple Orgasms with Ambre JadeMultiple orgasms can be yet another tool in My belt. Hypnosis, specifically erotic hypnosis creates an environment in which all things are possible. And where sometimes I prefer chastity, or more restrained submission, multiple orgasms certainly have their place within the realm of mental assault on your being. When one accepts that orgasms are a form of submission, that each venture over that plateau represents your submission going deeper, it is easy to see where multiple orgasms provide a source of power. A continuous reminder of My never ending control of your cock.

Thoughts on cock control usually bring about discussions that centre around chastity and being chaste. But proper cock control is more than that. I determine when, where and how you orgasm. Accomplishing multiple orgasms while deep under hypnosis provides not only a relatively unique experience but it also creates a reminder that it you belong to Me. I can easily drain you into exhaustion so that even if you thought you could break My control, it becomes physically impossible to do so. Impossible to do so without Me. I am the only source of pleasure you need or desire. My words and My influence runs through you like nothing else.

Why Multiple Orgasms through Hypnosis?

Without hypnosis as a tool, there are few men that can achieve multiple orgasms without spending a huge amount of time training themselves. And while it is possible to do so, in My experience, men generally lack the ability to push themselves in that direction effectively. Hypnosis, My influence acts as the proper motivation needed to experience such a sensation. It eases you into the experience without spending the time necessary to train. This can actually serve as a starting point to further train yourself or as a catalyst to a quest for further knowledge. Cock control is not limited to chastity. Multiple orgasms and even a single orgasm under My influence is a reflection of cock control. Multiple orgasms just add a unique flavour that some would never otherwise experience.

Do you have any experiences with multiple orgasms? With or without a hypnotic influence?

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade



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Following the Hypnotic Flow

Not everyone has the ability to follow the hypnotic flow during a hypnosis session. Trusting the flow of an individual’s mind can be intimidating. Instead of forcing, bending and manipulating your mind, I follow where is takes Me. I follow your initial thoughts and see where they will lead. A change in your behaviour, say if I am focused on a behaviour modification session, I must first know where the natural behaviour comes from. Before influencing any changes or forcing My Own will on your subconscious, it is important for Me to follow the natural hypnotic flow of your mind.

follow the hypnotic flow with Ambre JadeThe process of allowing the natural hypnotic flow to happen can be intimidating to some. It gives the illusion of My having less control and you, the subject having more freedom. Those without experience see this as a negative. When you have the right confidence in yourself you realise that information is power and knowing how your natural hypnotic flow goes, gives Me information. It gives Me insight into how your mind makes connections. This allows Me to manipulate effectively. Following you hypnotic flow and making it flow in the directions I want it to. Using the information I gather to My advantage.

The true power comes with the ability to use your hypnotic flow in a way that makes the conversions in your mind natural. When done properly, you will not even notice the subtle changes within you. The new programming flows naturally, creating connections so deep and so permanent that your new state of being will give the impression that it has always been there. None of your defenses stand a chance. This is the advantage of following the hypnotic flow and not being intimidated by the subject’s natural state. As always, information is power and when your mind is open to Me, there is no information I cannot get My soft fingertips on.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade


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Fear and Hypnosis, Working Together

Fear and hypnosis might not seem like good friends. BUT with the right guide (HypnoDomme), they can compliment each other quite well. Firstly let’s make the distinction between genuine fear and being a whining “i’m so scared Goddess” bitch. I often receive emails, messages and the like from people claiming to want to serve, but fearing the consequences. It is difficult from the point of view of the reader to determine who is trying to waste My previous time and who is genuinely afraid. Difficult but not impossible. I have a pretty good feel for who is playing games and who is actually feeling fearful but wants to pursue such a serious endearvour. A discussion for later. Right now, I would just like for you to see the difference between actual fear and playing games.

Fear and Hypnosis with Ambre JadeSo those of you who are afraid, congratulations! you realised the implications of true submission. you know that this is more than a fetish. That this way of being is a lifestyle and one that you would like to adopt to your own life. Feeling fear does not make you weak. It makes you conscious of the changes that will potential happen when you give up your free will! I always delight when people tell Me they have been afraid to contact Me, been following Me from afar, too afraid to do more than that. But now they are ready to embrace this lifestyle.

Fear and Hypnosis, are they compatible?

The fear response varies from one person to the next. Generally they fall under the three automatic nervous system reactions: fight, flight or freeze. These responses, human and animal responses to fear affect the mind in such a powerful way. It is reflexive, instinctive. There are few ways around it. Time is a factor if you want to work around your responses. That can be challenging, expensive but certainly worth every moment and penny you spend on yourself in that way. But how does one work with fear and hypnosis without overreaching the limitations of wallet and time? Ultimately, there is no answer. No easy way around it. There is however a way to work with your responses. To satisfy both your autonomic nervous system and your desire to submit.

The body’s response to fear floods your body with hormones. What a wonderful addition to erotic hypnosis. In this way, your fear is helping Me. It is aiding Me in creating the perfect environment to manipulate your thoughts. The key is understanding how and why you react the way you do, and using that to My advantage. This is to say you and I work together, we work with those responses making them both erotic and exciting.

So feel the fear with Me. Feel it and share it with Me.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

Guided Imagery Hypnosis

Guided Imagery Hypnosis with Ambre JadeWhen I first started dabbling in hypnosis it was not for erotic or Domme purposes. The role it played in My life was very specific and I used it on rather rare occasions even though I have always been quite skilled. One of the most effect styles, if you will, for Me during that time was guided imagery hypnosis. This is apparent in a great many of My recordings as well as My style in general. I love the combination of detailed but creative scene description combined with poetic prose. As My experience in HypnoDomination increases with time, now at almost 4 years, I have begun combining guided imagery hypnosis with erotic hypnosis.

What is Guided Imagery Hypnosis?

Guided imagery is a process of focuses the mind’s imagination on a specific goal or task and seeing the most positive outcome in as much detail as possible. Depending on how you use this, this can be applicable to a large variety of situation. When making it a guided imagery hypnosis session, you are creating a link between the conscious and subconscious dimensions of imagination. Allowing both programming and personal growth using this technique.

It is rather obvious that guided imagery hypnosis can be used in a huge variety of ways. As well as on an almost unlimited number of levels. Each process within our being functions at a certain vibration, if you will. If you look at pain for example, you have the biological, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the psychological, and more. Now using guided imagery hypnosis, one can simply tap into the specific process. Say the endocrine system. The rush of endorphins and other hormones through the body. Visualising the hormones, where they go, how they function, to what extent you feel them can be played with, effectively making them more or less effective in their function. Guided Imagery Hypnosis gives them form, gives them a presence you can control and sense.

Erotic Guided Imagery Hypnosis

Seeing the potential for an erotic component to guided imagery does not a HypnoDomme take. But a proper HypnoDomme and a properly educated Individual can work the erotic into guided imagery hypnosis with both ease and effectiveness. Guided imagery hypnosis always works best when focused on one specific part of you. One set goal in mind. Without a goal, it is rather pointless. If you are unsure of your goal, speak with your Hypnotist to find the right one for you and the right way to make your hypnotic goal a reality.

Guided Imagery as a Meditation

Some would argue that guided imagery is more a form of meditation than a hypnosis session. I am not one to argue. I don’t believe arguing accomplishes very much. So I will let them have their guided imagery as meditation because I genuinely feel that it can be both. Both a tool within a hypnosis session as well as a tool for effective meditation. And really is hypnosis not a more directed form of meditation? So let’s imagine together and see what we find. Let’s use guided imagery hypnosis as a proper tool and see what we can achieve.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

888 726-2447

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The Connections That Bind Us

Connection that Bind Us with Ambre JadeEvery session we have creates these connections that bind us. Oh, I know. A little new age-y and maybe a touch far fetched but think about it. Every single time your mind opens up and becomes My playground, a connection is created. An almost palpable link between your being and Me. These connections that bind us together will last forever. This is the reason so much time can go by since our last session or remember that time, you ran away because it was too intense? This is the reason I can tap right back into your mind like no time has passed at all.

There are several way that these connections manifest themselves. I am thinking of an individual in particular. We have been doing sessions together for years, literal years, our sessions are always incredibly satisfying. The connections that bind us are so deep that I can feel his emotional distress. I can feel his need to submit to Me even when he is not in a position to do so (at work, or money being tight, etc). This connection does not really go both ways in terms of emotional reading but he does have certain impulses to reach out to Me when I call. he hears My siren call so to speak.

What an amazing connection! These connections that bind us will last forever. This is why you dream of Me at night. This is why you seek My approval for every action. This deep surrender that creates a connection with such intensity that it seems unbelievable. The best part about these connections, you do not even realise they are there. Well, not until now. Once I bring it to your attention you can almost feel it deep within you, spiraling through your mind. My hold and influence running over all the aspects of your mind.

Let’s build some connections.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade



Every Orgasm Belongs to Me

your orgasm belongs to Ambre Jade

There is something that happens as you orgasm, as you cum. When you submit to this pleasure, you open yourself up. There is a moment (though generally short lived) where nothing matters except that moment. The pleasure running over you, the erotic sensations of feeling yourself give in to pleasure. This energy, this moment can and should be harnessed. There is a way to take that erotic energy and evolve it into something more than just instant gratification. A way to use that sensation to affect your life in a deeper way than you thought possible. This energy can act as the perfect catalyst to your true submission.

Orgasm as Submission

Every orgasm requires a certain release of control. These moments where your mind is no longer in control of your biological responses. Every orgasm has this component of submission. Domme or sub, vanilla, with a partner, without a partner, with multiple partners, etc. These moments of orgasm, regardless of the circumstances surrounding them have a moment of submission to the pleasure. A giving in or letting go of everything. This is one of the main reasons I never and have never had an orgasm with a sub (but that is a topic for another day). Even if the dynamic of the moment is not one of power exchange, you are exchanging power within your own body. The power removed from your mind, from your conscious brain and placed into the more primal, biological need to feel pleasure.

Harness that Energy and Use It Properly

With the right set of circumstances, an apt set of words, that energy can be poured into something else. Chastity is not absolutely necessary to achieve good harnessing of orgasmic energy. Though chastity remains a personal favourite of Mine, there are subjects who do not respond to it as well or just do not enjoy it. So I created a file, a recorded hypnosis session, whose only purpose is to harness that energy and use the biological processes at work during orgasm to My benefit, to My advantage and, of course, your pleasure! This virtually untapped fount of energy that is already submissive in natural can be harnessed and used to solidify your submission to your Goddess. Many take advantage of this connection but not every recording is as focused as My erotic hypnosis session “Every Cum For Me.

Allow yourself to submit to pleasure while making your submission to Me more concrete!

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

My Top 5 Hypnosis Moments of 2014

Hypnosis Moments with Ambre JadeThe end of the year and it seems appropriate to do a wrap up for you of some of the great Hypnosis Moments I have had this year! There are plenty, for sure. And this is just a simple list of the most pleasing memories I have of 2014. Don’t be fooled, there have been plenty of other moments, some more significant even than the ones I am listing here. But these are some of the hypnosis moments that I would like to share with you.

My Top 5 Hypnosis Moments:

5th Hypnosis Moment: Spontaneous Orgasm via Trigger Phrase

This year, I used My favourite trigger phrase for several of My subjects. There is something insanely powerful in the knowledge that a single phrase can bring so many to their fall. I realise this actually represents several hypnosis moments but it is a rather substantial representation of My hold over so many people! There is something about someone becoming completely unnerved because they spontaneously erupted into orgasm from the smallest phrased passing between My lips. It’s exciting for Me to think about. To contemplate how much power I have is a truly erotic thought!

4th Hypnosis Moment: Multiple Orgasms

Of all My hypnosis moments, this one brings the biggest smile to My lips. Well, My Own multiple orgasms bring a bigger smile but I digress. Most people associate multiple orgasms with Women. As they should, Our bodies are made for such pleasure and if you are not supporting that, helping a Woman achieve such a pleasure, it might be time to ask for help, but for a second time I digress. Women and multiple orgasms go hand in hand but men and multiple orgasms, this is a more complicated achievement. Unless you are Me 😉 john came to Me early this past year having never experienced one of these incredibly special hypnosis moments. It was easiest enough for Me to facilitate such a wonderful experience for him. I look back on it and smile because he was truly doubtful. I believe he thought it was beyond My abilities. So his exclamation as the second and third are wonderful hypnosis moments for Me. Now, he is My devoted pet. Memories of Me will burn in his memory forever as the Woman who gave him that experience, as the first to give him multiple orgasms. Whether others accomplish the same thing are not, My influence will always be there.

3rd Hypnosis Moment: Creating Such Powerful Recordings

This year I released some pretty powerful recordings. Sure, many of you prefer to have one on one time with Me, which is completely understandable because, well I am pretty wonderful to have a more personal interaction with but that does not take away from how powerful and mesmerizing My recordings are. I am constantly receiving beautiful feedback, people who love My work. People who feel themselves becoming Mine after listening. This is a trend I am definitely continuing!

2nd Hypnosis Moment: Proper Protocol

I have been speaking with this particular individual for years, since the beginning of My hypnosis career even. This boy has a terribly habit of calling Me while coked out of his mind. This is not a behaviour that I condone. As you can imagine, this was a difficult habit for him to break. I helped him through it. Mainly by refusing to take his calls when he was over indulging in such horrendous habits. This one of My hypnosis moments is one I am proud. I am proud of My subjects when they work on their own behaviour with or without My influence. Now, he knows when to call and when to not. Sure, it would be even better if he never allowing that shit to run through his body but one step at a time, perhaps next year one of My hypnosis moments will be him completely free from that garbage!

 1st Hypnosis Moment: All of Them

Yes, I am going to be that corny here 😉 I thought you should all know that I adore all of our moments together. How easily and badly you need to just submit to Me. submission is a gift, never forget that. It costs you money to submit to Me but it is still a very powerful gift and one that I always treasure.

It will be wonderful to see what 2015 has in store for us all!

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

888 726-2447

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Hypnotic Alignment: The Return of a Goddess

Hypnotic Alignment with Goddess Ambre Jade

Everything feels completely out of alignment without Me, doesn’t it? Hypnotic alignment returns now that My move is finally completed and My life is returning to what can be considered normalcy. Slowly but surely getting more established in My new home. My call schedule will return to normal. Taking more and more calls especially now that there are minimal distractions within My environment. Hypnotic alignment comes back! It will align so many different aspects of your and My life, bringing those that worship Me and that that desire to serve Me closer together. More in sync, if you will.

How else will I control this hypnotic alignment? What delightful experiences do I have in store for you? So many! Where to start? There are numerous delicious morsels I will be creating for those who serve Me, those wishing to serve Me and those interesting in trying to establish a connection with a true, BBW Goddess! For starters, I will be releasing numerous new mp3 files. New recordings mean new deeper connections and pathways in your mind bringing you closer to Me. Now that is hypnotic alignment! I will be releasing a new hypnotic file every week. Something new and absolutely delightful for you to let go and submit yourself completely to Me, My power, My influence.

Part of this new hypnotic alignment establishment, will be the continuation and creation of new Daily Hypnotic Affirmations. There are currently 4 but that number will rise in the coming month. This are wonderful files, short, loop-able audios solidifying My influence over you. For those of you who have not purchased them yet, or are debating whether or not to purchase, you really should! These files are not only erotic and spellbindingly delightful but they will increase our hypnotic alignment. They have the potential to make you more in tune with Me, with My needs, My desires. They are an essential part of your servitude. A daily ritual and treasure for you to enjoy and embrace.

I will also be creating daily FemDomme audios, images and videos! These will not necessarily be all erotic hypnosis related but they will all be about worshiping Me as your true Goddess! you will find that these files, products will increase your hypnotic alignment with Me and establish a deeper more meaningful connection. A word of caution though, while My erotic hypnosis style tends to run in the more sensual and erotic. My FemDomme products, some of them could be what some consider harsh, they are very intense. If you are uncertain about their relevance to your submission or your style of devotion, communicate with Me and I will guide you on the right path!

As some of you are no doubt aware, I have yet another website that I am working on. Let Her Free! This website is not so much about hypnotic alignment as it is with letting out your inner femme side. This site should be up and running before the beginning of next year. It is not a main project at the moment, as I have several things on the go already but I wanted to share with you that it will soon be open to view. This site is for those who are into feminization as a representation of their inner self. Be advised, those looking for feminization as a technique to illicit a humiliating response will be disappointed. There is nothing humiliating about being a Woman! you should aspire not be ashamed! End rant (I can say so much more on that subject but this is neither the time or the place)!

Part of your hypnotic alignment to Me, to your submission to Me is to embrace a health lifestyle. I have written about this in the past and have no desire at the moment to repeat Myself too much. Suffice it to say that I will be blogging about My Own health goals and healthy lifestyle on My Healthy Living blogIn addition to My monthly goal, I will also be discussing a food regime for those interested, meal planning, and the like. My weekly fruit and vegetable basket arrive on Tuesdays, so every Tuesday there will be some discussion about the delicious foods that are in My home!

Time to establish your hypnotic alignment with Me!

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

888 726-2447

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The Varying Niveaus of Hypnotic Submission

hypnotic submission to Ambre JadeIt seems to Me that everyone responds differently to various erotic hypnotic stimuli. For some their hypnotic submission is so complete a single word passing from between My lips causes their mind to open completely and obey without a single question or concern. For others, they have a similar response to certain trigger words, some created through post hypnotic suggestion and some just have exaggerated responses to specific words. Good boy is a popular one and a personal favourite of Mine. Though its use has become far to common place for Me. I desire being different. Plus, this post is not about post hypnotic suggestion. This is about the different responses and different levels of hypnotic submission.

One could easily argue that the variety of hypnotic submission can easily be attributed to conditioning, to the frequency with which you submit to erotic hypnosis. Though I do believe there is a certain truth to that, I do not believe it is the only factor at play. Some individuals are just more naturally incline to hypnotic submission. Letting go for them is completely effortless. This niveau, level of hypnotic submission does not necessarily make these individual BETTER in any way. Easier perhaps but you know what they say “easy come, easy go.” In My experience those that do not feel you are challenging them are more likely to be a short term submissive. Generalisation? Absolutely! But true to a certain extent. This is why I make it My purpose to make sure there is always a higher hypnotic submission niveau for you to travel to!

When hypnotic submission is more challenging, the relationship tends to last longer. Both the subject and the Hypnotist have a certain determination to create a more complete submission. For Me, anyway, I find this type of relationship appealing. There is a certain challenge in assuring that both subject and Hypnotist do not get bored. Yeah, sometimes I get bored and it makes Me not want to pursue a deeper niveau of hypnotic submission from you.

There are many subtle different shades. Individual are not necessarily one or the other. Someone can fall in between. Even more interesting in My oppinion is that an individual can normal be a challenging subject but once they find the right erotic Hypnotist, their hypnotic submission becomes more quick and easy! Where do you fall on this? Do you believe conditioning is the main factor? Do you believe your natural state is more at play? Or do you believe it depends on the Hypnotist and how you two mesh together?

Be on the look out for Part 2 of this discussion into hypnotic submission.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

888 726-2447

Call Ambre Jade Hypnosis for phone sex on