Empathy and Erotic Hypnosis

Empathy and erotic hypnosis are not necessarily two concepts you would expect to see together… But you should. Empathy is so intwined with hypnosis. As the Tist and as the subject you need to be in tune with each other.

This is Day 7 of Hyp-November.

Empathy and erotic hypnosis work so well together

Yesterday was day 6 of Hyp-November. It was a challenging day for me. I am still struggling. I believe that is the motivation for today’s post. There is a collective sadness and grief within my social circle. I needed a day. The intensity of the feelings made me ponder a lot about empathy. So let’s talk about it.

How do empathy and erotic hypnosis fit together?

There is a connection between Hypnotist and subject. It does not need to be a D/s dynamic or even sexual. To be able to read and feel your partner is a beautiful thing. There are some people I spend time with who have no idea how I can read their mind so well. How it was that I knew when to touch where. Was it that I was in their mind completely? It was, but not in the metaphysical sense. I was inside their thoughts and needs. Reading them. I found a way to put myself in their position. (Top trance is a thing, we will have a post about it later.)

Empathy is a muscle. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes. This is why the collective pain is affecting some of us more than others. It is also why I am in your mind and hearing your thoughts before you are even aware of thinking them. As a subject, you can also learn to read the hypnotist. When does their heat beat faster, what actions from you encourages them. Put yourself in their place and see how intense the shared moments will be.

Ms AmbreJade

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Establishing Hypnotic Intention

How do you go about establishing hypnotic intention? Is it actually an important part of a dynamic? What should you consider intentionally as a subject vs as a tist? Is it important that the intentions match?

Establishing hypnotic intention is so important with Ms AmbreJade

Before approaching any hypnosis session you should focus on establishing hypnotic intention. This could be a goal, a sensation, a corruption (yummy), anything. This is not just for the D-type or the Hypnotist. It is important for both (or all) people involved to create an intention for the experience. Hypnosis is all about intent. There is someone I know how would argue that intention is all you need to send someone into trance. But it is more than that, more than words and experiences. It is about what you want and need from the experience.

Which person is responsible for establishing hypnotic intention?

Is it the Dominant or the submissive that figures it out? Like any dynamic, erotic hypnosis based or not, the experience is shared, the responsibility is shared. What do you want out of the experience? Do you want to feel stronger, weaker? Do you want to share moments of vulnerability? Are you establishing a hypnotic intention focused on silliness and fun?

Neither side can make the decision without the other. Do you intend to have some silliness? Share that with your partner because if they are seeking the experience as something akin to behaviour modification. This plays into negotiations. But it goes beyond that, there is the intention as an experience together and there is an intention for you.

Establishing hypnotic intention for yourself?

This is something for you outside of the dynamic. Maybe your intention is to work on your agency. Perhaps it is to work on a new induction. Maybe your intention is to be so in tune with your partner that the division between you is almost none existent. There are so many different ways to look at it.

The main point, imo, is to make sure you actually think about the experience and what you want from it.


Ms AmbreJade

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Resentment, the end of monogamy

It’s time to end my monogamous relationship, not the relationship itself, rather the concept of monogamy. It was an interesting experience while it lasted. Now I am finding that I am full of resentment and anger toward my lover. He has not done anything to prompt this response from me, not really. It is more that I find myself in situations where our monogamous limitations become problematic. At first, I was excited to find an individual whose libido could keep up with mine. Lately, he has not been able to keep up. I get it, it happens. I am not in a position to accept being minimally sexual sated. That’s not enough really for me to put an end to monogamy, but the reality is, I have become resentful of the fact that I am repeatedly placed in that position.

Resentment grows and take root in every discussion, disagreement or argument you have. Every action the other person takes is seen through resentfully coloured glasses. Resentment feeds off everything! Even at this moment, I am sitting here seething because a text has not been replied to. It’s a dumb thing to be angry about, but resentment just makes it that much more intense. I resent having rules to adhere to even though I had initially agreed to them. This is one of the reasons I like to do multiple check ins with my subs. It avoids resentment and allows the relationship to expand its parameters.

So my plan is that over the next few days, I will bring up my concerns and my plan to establish a poly or open relationship with my lover. Ultimately, should he decide to not accept, I am going to have to revisit whether or not I want to continue with this relationship. I am a Domme, I need attention and power. Even if our relationship is not based on such things. That leaves me with very few options. I fear if I let things continue as they are, I will lose my fucking mind, and that is not good. I will keep you posted on how this discussion goes.

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

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