The Trust Factor

The trust factor is often either overlooked or taken for granted within the Hypnotist-subject dynamic. In My experience, most people assume that trust has been established through virtue of having a single communication. And while you can trust the intentions of your Hypnotist from a single encounter, the deeper, almost palpable trust connection takes time to really establish itself. Each interaction solidifies the initial feelings of trust and helps manifest as a truly trusting relationship. Why is trust so important? Can Hypnotists succeed without trust? How does this pertain to erotic hypnosis and should it be something we strive for?

The Importance of the Trust Factor

I talk about trust a lot. It plays an important role in all our relationships from your neighbour to your Domme, your partner. We have so many relationships and so many of them deepen when the trust factor is taken into account. An individual trusts that their neighbours will not break into their home. Trust. If you don’t know them, you will be more hesitant to open your door to them. The trust factor allows relationships to extent past their default setting. When you trust, you are more likely to open up and step out of your comfort zone. When looking at a power dynamic, like D-s or Hypnotist-subject, trust allows you to explore things more deeply. Something simple like spanking, for example, can be seen as abusive but with the trust factor in place, what can be perceived as an assault becomes erotic, sensual. Erotic Hypnosis works under a similar premise. If you trust your Hypnotist, then the deeper you are able to go.

Erotic Hypnosis Without Trust

Erotic hypnosis can be experienced without trust. It is not essential to a superficial hypnotic experience. Without trust though, the experience becomes just that superficial, with a deeper dynamic. While it can be fun, and is generally the starting point to most Hypnotist-subject relationship, it’s potential without trust is limited. The trance can be deep but it will not be representative of the potential when trust is in place.

Ultimately, trust should be the goal of any interaction you have. It is less important that the Hypnotist trust the subject. Depending on the goal(s) of your relationship, a Hypnotist needs you to trust Her and not the other way around. That being said though, as a HypnoDomme, I like the trust fact to go both ways. I am more inclined to be creative with subjects that I trust, as well as more open with My Own experiences when we are talking.

So in the future, to let go and trance more effectively , focus instead on building trust rather than the trance itself. The trance will happen either way, but the extent of which will be determined by the trust factor.

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade

1 888 726-2447

My Five Favourite Uses for Erotic Hypnosis

There are so many uses for erotic hypnosis. The tool is really limitless in its capacity for BDSM. With so many possibilities, it is hard to pinpoint My favourites. Won’t stop Me from trying though 😉 I have decided to create a list with My five favourite uses. These are in no particular order. They are equal in My eyes, as far as how much I enjoy them. The biggest difference is the dynamic between between Myself and the subject. The dynamic is so important, as I have stated several times and will continue to repeat.

Uses for Erotic Hypnosis with Ambre JadeFive Uses for Erotic Hypnosis

  1. Self Discovery. BDSM and Femdom are not necessarily associated with self discovery, though they should be. Erotic hypnosis is the perfect tool for discovering more about yourself as a sub as well as an individual. One can easily learn more about the deeper kinks that you were previously unaware of. It can bring to light the components that are keeping you from being truly vulnerable and under the influence of your Goddess.
  2. Brainwashing and Thought Control. Whether using NLP or more classic erotic hypnosis, brainwashing is an absolute pleasure for Me as the HypnoDomme. Changing your view point and how you see the world and molding it to something I enjoy is so much fun. I genuinely believe the world would be a better place if I was in complete control of it and this is how I make that happen, one person at a time. This also creates a certain ownership.
  3. Acceptance of past experiences. This would be less about the erotic aspect and more on the “Domme who wants Her subs to be at their best” side of things. A lot of us, Myself included, have traumas or experiences that shape our views. In some cases, this is negative.
  4. Orgasm, erection, arousal control. Falls within brainwashing but I like to keep it as something completely separate. It is one thing to feel the power of making someone so intensely aroused that You are the only thing in their mind, it is a whole new level of power when I can have you thinking about Me, turned on, unable to focus and then suddenly shut down those responses. That My friends, it power.
  5. Roleplays and Fantasies. This is a use for erotic hypnosis that I do not really use too frequently. I prefer to stay within reality and ultimate submission of the subject. Every now and then though, a subject comes up and fantasies, roleplays, and other-realmly experiences are perfectly suited to the dynamic.

This is by no means the only uses for erotic hypnosis, I have. Just a list of My favourites. What are your favourite uses? Favourite moments?

À bientôt,

Goddess Ambre Jade


888 726-2447

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