Empathy and Erotic Hypnosis

Empathy and erotic hypnosis are not necessarily two concepts you would expect to see together… But you should. Empathy is so intwined with hypnosis. As the Tist and as the subject you need to be in tune with each other.

This is Day 7 of Hyp-November.

Empathy and erotic hypnosis work so well together

Yesterday was day 6 of Hyp-November. It was a challenging day for me. I am still struggling. I believe that is the motivation for today’s post. There is a collective sadness and grief within my social circle. I needed a day. The intensity of the feelings made me ponder a lot about empathy. So let’s talk about it.

How do empathy and erotic hypnosis fit together?

There is a connection between Hypnotist and subject. It does not need to be a D/s dynamic or even sexual. To be able to read and feel your partner is a beautiful thing. There are some people I spend time with who have no idea how I can read their mind so well. How it was that I knew when to touch where. Was it that I was in their mind completely? It was, but not in the metaphysical sense. I was inside their thoughts and needs. Reading them. I found a way to put myself in their position. (Top trance is a thing, we will have a post about it later.)

Empathy is a muscle. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes. This is why the collective pain is affecting some of us more than others. It is also why I am in your mind and hearing your thoughts before you are even aware of thinking them. As a subject, you can also learn to read the hypnotist. When does their heat beat faster, what actions from you encourages them. Put yourself in their place and see how intense the shared moments will be.

Ms AmbreJade

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